Product ID: GYJ78

Product Description

Barbie® Extra dolls rock bold fashions and bright colors, and they make big statements! Each Barbie® doll has their own unique style that's playful and over the top. And their pets -- each different and all adorable -- have tons of personality, too! Barbie® Extra dolls let kids explore self-expression through style and offer an exciting fashion and styling play experience with flexible joints for lots of posing. These dolls are all about having fun with fashion with glitter, gummy bears, emojis and stand-out hair – bringing EXTRA vibes wherever they go.

The information provided here is as complete and accurate as possible; however, product names, colours and/or materials are subject to change without notice.

Product CodeGYJ78
Minimum Age3Yrs+
First Available05th Oct 2021
Product Size:
Approx. inc. packaging
6.5 x 24.0 x 32.5 cm
Commodity Code: 
Country of Origin

Question & Answers

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Categories: Barbie Extra

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Price details: + [[ productOption.translatedOptionName ]] [[productOption.addon_price_format]] + -
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Ratings & Reviews

Average Rating based on [[ productDetailsCtrl.itemRating.totalVotes ]] vote(s) No rating received yet
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User Reviews
[[ review.rating ]]

[[review.humanReadableDate]] by [[review.fullName]]

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