Choice Dining Pack of 50 Strong Plastic Pint Glasses Disposable Beer Cups Great For Party's And All Typs Of Events And Celebrations 660ml
Product ID: B073RM26GL

Product Description

Product Description

50 extra strong clear plastic pint glasses 660ml by Choice Dining enjoy your event party indoors or outdoors these flexi-glass disposables are sure to last you through the night for as many re-fills as you want they are strong and rigid cup but flexible enough so it won't crack or shatter so can be refilled many times. These beer cups are ideal for busy bars and bbq & events saving time washing & pouring. As they are made from polypropylene, they can be readily recycled and disposed off easily at the end of the events each cup is disposable and durable enough to be reused throughout the whole evening. Perfect or beer cocktails and all kind of cold drinks ideal for home & collage/high school party's, weddings, bbq and for bars.

Box Contains

50 Pint cups

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Categories: Home & Kitchen

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