Product ID: JPL44672

Product Description

An A’Doorable surprise is within the Disney Doorables Beyond the Door Elsa’s Bedroom Playset. Inspired by the world of Disney’s Frozen, this adorable playset stands six inches tall and features glittery snowflake detailing. Use the key to unlock the hidden surprises in this playset which opens to reveal two play areas. Find the surprises hidden in Elsa’s room with Young Elsa & Young Anna. Turn the key in the keyhole on the wall and a bed drops down, or on the clock to see a secret panel spin and reveal a hidden chamber. Place Olaf in the chamber and turn it to bring him to life! Explore the world of Disney’s Frozen by skating or sliding down the frozen slide with Olaf. This adorable playset also comes with eight accessory pieces including one doll house, two dolls, one slide, one rocking horse, two snowflakes, and one key. Each figure stands approximately 1.5 inches tall and features signature Disney Doorables stylized detailing and glitter eyes. Recreate the world of Disney with all the Disney Doorables collectible figures and playsets. Ages 5+

The information provided here is as complete and accurate as possible; however, product names, colours and/or materials are subject to change without notice.

Product CodeJPL44672
Minimum Age3Yrs+
First Available08th Sep 2021
Product Size:
Approx. inc. packaging
8.9 x 20.3 x 19.1 cm
Commodity Code: 
Country of Origin

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Categories: Disney Doorables Toys

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Price details: + [[ productOption.translatedOptionName ]] [[productOption.addon_price_format]] + -
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Ratings & Reviews

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[[ review.rating ]]

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