Product ID: JPL44671

Product Description

An A’Doorable surprise is within the Disney Doorables Beyond the Door Ariel’s Grotto Playset. Inspired by the undersea world of Disney’s The Little Mermaid, this adorable playset stands over six inches tall and features gadgets and gizmos aplenty. Use the key to unlock the hidden treasures in this playset which opens to reveal two play areas. Turn the key in the keyholes on the column to open a vanity or sway the swing, or even in the treasure chest to discover hidden “whos-its” and “whats-its.” Explore this colorful underwater world with Disney’s Ariel, Flounder, and Sebastian. Place Ariel on the rock pillar and reveal a water splash just like in the film! This adorable playset also comes with eight accessory pieces, including a statue of Prince Eric, treasure chest, dinglehopper (fork), and a statuette. Each figure stands approximately 1.5 inches tall and features signature Disney Doorables stylized detailing and glitter eyes. Recreate the world of Disney with all the Disney Doorables collectible figures and playsets. Ages 5+

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Categories: Disney Doorables Toys

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Price details: + [[ productOption.translatedOptionName ]] [[productOption.addon_price_format]] + -
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Ratings & Reviews

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[[ review.rating ]]

[[review.humanReadableDate]] by [[review.fullName]]

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