Product ID: GLT78

Product Description

A cow, a chicken, and a horse walk into a barn…it’s the pig’s birthday, and she wants to celebrate! Kids can discover all sorts of fun on the farm with the Little People Caring for Animals Farm playset from Fisher-Price. With this action-packed playset toddlers can help the farmer care for all their animal friends, from hatching chicks, to tucking in the horse for its nap, and showing the pig and cow how to take turns dropping through the hayloft. And as little farmers play and explore, fun songs, sounds and phrases introduce counting, colours, animal sounds and more with three Smart Stages levels that grow along with your child.

The information provided here is as complete and accurate as possible; however, product names, colours and/or materials are subject to change without notice.

Product CodeGLT78
Minimum Age12M+
First Available01st Sep 2020
Product Size:
Approx. inc. packaging
14.5 x 40.5 x 61.0 cm
Commodity Code: 
Country of Origin

Question & Answers

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Categories: Little People

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Price details: + [[ productOption.translatedOptionName ]] [[productOption.addon_price_format]] + -
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Ratings & Reviews

Average Rating based on [[ productDetailsCtrl.itemRating.totalVotes ]] vote(s) No rating received yet
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  • [[productDetailsCtrl.itemRating.productUserRatings.twoStarRating.countVote]] vote(s)
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User Reviews
[[ review.rating ]]

[[review.humanReadableDate]] by [[review.fullName]]

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